국립안동대학교 식물의학과 BK21사업팀
교육연구팀 소개(About PMed BK21)
교육연구팀 소개(About PMed BK21) > 역사 (History)
역사 (History)
  • The Department of Plant Medicals was established in 1988 by two founders (Dr. CY Kim and Dr. EK Cho).
  • 김창연교수님(CY KIM)
    조의규교수님(EK CHO)
  • Right after opening the department, they recruited Dr. YI Lee, Dr. SG Lee, and Dr. SC Han during next two years (1989-1990).
  • 이영인교수님(YI LEE)
    이순구교수님(SG LEE)
    한상찬교수님(SC HAN)
  • In addition, Dr. YK Lee was recruited in 1992 and Dr. YG Kim was joined in 1994.
  • 이영근교수님(YK LEE)
    김용균교수님(YG KIM)
  • In addition, Dr. YK Lee was recruited in 1992 and Dr. YG Kim was joined in 1994.
  • 정철의교수님(CE JUNG)
    임언택교수님(UT LIM)
    전용호교수님(YH JEON)
    길의준교수님(EJ KIL)
    최형우교수님(HW CHOI)
    김정수교수님(JS KIM)
This Department has educated more than 1,300 undergraduate students and over 200 graduate students for last 32 years. Since 2006, this department has been supported by Ministry of Education in Korea under BK21 program. Graduate students have been financially supported in tuition and stipend. They are also supported in travel funds for international conferences.

This Department publishes more than 100 papers per year. A new BK21 program (2020 ~ 2027) aims to educate graduate students under a guideline to publish papers valued over 5.0 impact factor for PhD candidate and 3.0 impact factor for MS candidate.

We hope this Department would be the top academy in Korea to educate the plant doctors and related researchers for contributing to Korean agriculture and bio-industry.